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Dicas para o Ensaio


Respecting differences and valuing potential are fundamental!

The important thing is to focus on the same objective and therefore it is very good and productive that everyone is engaged in the same sound and artistic project.


Watch, feel ...

The singers arrive for the rehearsal with different moods, moods, concerns, body energy and concentration. It is up to the conductor to observe and propose activities for the balance of physical energy, emotional state, and group concentration for singing.


Clarity and objectivity when communicating with the group!!

Do not forget to address the choir clearly and objectively when you need adjustments in the organization of the sound. After all, did we come here to sing or to talk!?


Correct with respect and sensitivity!

Would you like to be put in the spotlight or in an uncomfortable situation in front of several people? I do not think so. The conductor must not forget that the singers are collaborating and offering the best possible to carry out the rehearsal. When there is a need for correction, correct the suit and if the error persists, go with respect and tranquillity to the singer who is having difficulties and sing next to him / her. If possible, at the end of the rehearsal, talk privately with the singer (a) or with the singers with difficulties helping in solving the problem.


Accompaniment Pianist

If there is a pianist remember that he is a musician and an integral part of the musical process and the singing. He / she is not only there to accompany you, but to make music with you and the choir. Call him / her by name and always thank him / her for the important collaboration for the realization of the rehearsal. Establish the repertoire that will be developed in advance and delivered to the pianist so that he can study. If in doubt, instruct the student how the follow-up should be carried out with the group. But do not forget to listen to suggestions! Great musical ideas can come up during a good conversation.   


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