The Project
CORO DO ZERO is the project idealized by Cibele Sabioni as the final product of his master's degree at PROEMUS (Professional Master in Teaching Musical Practices) at UNIRIO, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Eduardo Lakschevitz.
This website is the result of a project that aims to organize support material for beginners conductors who do not have regular training and who often meet in front of a choir group to start singing. Provides information on the choral rehearsal and suggestions on breathing, body posture, organization and listening, use of time and the singer's health. It also offers videos with suggestions for vocal preparation exercises that are open to new creative possibilities of use.
The idea of ​​this project is not to offer ready-made recipes, but rather to share a little bit of the experience of working with choirs and enable new ideas to emerge from these suggestions. In the future, in addition to other aspects and exercises related to the choral rehearsal, other themes will be included, such as gestural technique and repertoire analysis.
Welcome to the singing!
Texts, transcriptions and conducting
Cibele Sabioni
Website designer
Vitor Gomes
Mansur Audiovisual Production
Marketing and Technology
Judson Nascimento
Sheet Music Editing
Edson Lopes
Youth Symphonic Choir and Chamber Choir at the Conservatory of Tatuí
Daniel Duarte
Dramatic and Musical Conservatory of Tatuí "Dr. Carlos de Campos"
Project developed in