Body Posture
Good posture is always coupled with good breathing!
Posture is a very important issue to be done with the choir. Good posture allows for a more productive performance and helps the singer to direct the energy needed for singing, since he does not need to waste this energy with a bad posture. I explain. When we use an adequate posture, we can keep the muscles necessary for the proper functioning of the singer's breathing working correctly, that is, with tone but without unnecessary tension. Therefore, the air flow is free and the necessary tenacity to keep the voice working happens.
When we are with incorrect posture, our body directs the energy that it would use for the good production of the voice in the correction of this posture, because it needs this compensation to produce a satisfactory and healthy vocal sound. Thus, when the conductor is attentive to the singers' posture, we are more likely to succeed in producing the sound and vocal health of the group.

It is important to watch for signs of tension in the singers' body and our body while conducting. Often the conductor, without realizing it, establishes a tension posture and the singers end up reflecting this posture in the production of a tense sound. Dropped shoulders, pronounced pelvis forward, neck stretched forward, are examples of posture that must be observed by the conductor during the rehearsal process to avoid a body example that does not benefit the group.
Stretching exercises performed at the beginning of the test and during the test when necessary, prepare the body by releasing tensions, establishing a supportive posture for breathing and promoting the energy necessary for a good performance. It is important not to confuse stretching with relaxation. The singer and the conductor should not be relaxed during the rehearsals or performances, but ready, free of tension and with enough energy for a good musical performance.
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