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Use of time


The organization of the time of each activity to be developed during the rehearsal is essential for the conductor to obtain success and results with the work that he intends to develop with the choir.

Imagine, if the singers are scheduled to arrive at the rehearsal at 7 pm and leave at 8 pm and the conductor always delays the beginning of the rehearsal? Do you know what could happen? Singers can get into the habit of being late for rehearsal, each at their own time, and the rehearsal will no longer be productive. And when the conductor pays no attention to the time needed to develop the activities scheduled for the rehearsal and decides to extend the rehearsal time by forcing the singers to stay there beyond the agreed time? This attitude, if it is recurrent, may create another problem, since the singers have other activities and commitments besides the choir rehearsal.

These attitudes can characterize lack of attention or even respect on the part of the conductor with the singers who arrive on time to participate in the singing. The conductor must always think and plan for collective work and that means organization!

So, how to optimize the test time?


I suggest that you organize the rehearsal in parts and that each of these parts, or moments, has an approximate duration. We can think like this:

- First moment: Body stretching and breathing (10 min)

- Second moment: Vocal preparation (10min)

- Third moment: Repertoire (35 min)

- New songs

- Known songs

- Warnings: (5 min)


Below is a table as a suggestion for the notes and organization of the essay:



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